Try to live in the Islamic world
Try to live in the Islamic world
Quite ,,, I Muslims
Egypt I'm living now, about 0 of the population is Muslim (Muslim), about has been living the Copts is One of primitive Christianity.
When living in Japan, I do not think too much I think about religion. But, people's lives here are in close contact with the religion. For example, TV broadcasting or, in the greeting at the ceremony, always starts from saying the religious language of Islam. I think that this alone can not understand at all, say in Japan, in such as when news and sports day of the opening ceremony, or would place such as starting from chanting the Buddha and [Namuamidabutsu ...]?
In addition, when talking with the Egyptians, what it is you of religion [as promised? ] It will be asked. I'd not you have faith a particular religion, because they will be troublesome and say do not have a religion, such when I decided to answer the [Ana Buji ('m Buddhist)] and we (troublesome for you even so the answer, but .